So Ian left on Sunday night in Singapore to travel six hours 'back in time' to hit Denmark... =)
Copenhagen... Little Mermaid... World's Official (and only) Santa Claus school... meeting Asia's one and only official Santa who hails from the land of the rising Sun.
Jealous I am haha... =) But I rejoice that he has been blessed with travels, with new experiences... to have worked with a China crew and now a Danish one. God is good indeed.
True, he has to swim through politics and the crap Mamon tosses at him from time to time (recently, it seems quite often lol) but you know what I think?
1) Spiritual attacks- some of things that happen to trip him up are spiritual attacks meant to cause him to lose faith or to lose hope... to lose sight of God. The projects sometime wrestle time that he needs with God away... (eg. In China, he missed a whole month odd of services in Church)
2) God never causes bad stuff to happen to us. It is a matter of perspective. You can choose to see a trial as a tripping stone or a stepping stone. Your call.
3) God never lets us go through things He knows we cannot bear. So he thinks 'highly' of Ian I guess =) Kidding.
4) Character Building- you know when you want to build up your muscles, you lift heavier weights? Well maybe this is a time for Ian to build up Psychological and Spiritual muscle to be able to handle the blessings God has in store for him. So he has heavier weights to lift for now, but it will seem lighter soon once his spirit becomes stronger in the Lord.
5) Seen in a myopic way, everything seems like a dead end now. Seen long term, one will gaze back at this trying period years and years from now (or maybe even months from now) and smile and say... ya it was tough but it passed us by and thankfully, we did it HIS way.
6) It is in our time of weakness and tribulation that we understand and see God's greatness, mercy, love and compassion. We appreciate him only when we are down- calling out to Him, crying out to Him from the depths of our Spirit.
It is a faith-trying exercise coming face to face with such obstacles on a daily basis but it does make one all the stronger for it and I have the utmost faith in God that he will not break Ian's back and I believe in Ian- that even though some not-very-nice people put him down quite a bit sometimes, that he will realise that it could be that they feel threatened by his brilliance achieved at a younger age or well, just pure jealousy or spite. Some people just don't like sharing the stage la. Put on your Bullet proof vest of His Rhema (Word) and His Blood and His Holy Spirit and face the world with no fear. If God is for you, then settled and done deal. He does not break promises and he loves unconditionally ...unless you reject him la.
The brighter your star is, the more the-ones-outside will want to darken it.
So just have to work extra hard to lift it to the Heavens where God is and let God take care of the darkness.
Draw strength from the Son and when one has time, to pray or spend some quiet time with God.
I am sure he and I aren't the only ones flailing around in the Media Circus. I am sure politics exist everywhere (heck I was in an all-girls-school for 11 years, I should know) you know.
But no one ever feels better when they look in the mirror and grimace. Smile. Laugh. Find peace in that deepest place within you where you and God spend those little quiet moments together.
See life for its miracles great and atom sized... count every blessing.
Things i have learnt recently to do more of.
The pastor joked the other day that not one hair falls off our head that God doesn't know about... so I turned to ian and grinned.
God must know all about what he is going through each moment of the way because... and those of you who know us will understand the secret punch line.
Yes I is "evil GF' but I love my Precious Blessing and wherever he is in Denmark, I miss him.