Kae acts in his first short film...
Kaelen acted in a short called Ah Ma that was shot on the Panasonic Varicam over the long weekend (fri, sat, sun, mon) with an extra day's work on tues.
He had immense fun although I (and many other peeps actually) felt that the work attitude/values of the shoot needed improving. Was quite upset with the way they treated the oldest cast member and kae and told it to their faces. It was unprofessional and very disappointing for me as they were from FSV albeit juniors.
The director might be award winning but he lacked professionalism and came across as a little too cold and too selfish most of the time. He was also ill disciplined with time.
Many of my peers who helped them out on a voluntarily basis were also visibly disappointed with the shoot's production values. I think we all felt that there was a lot for the director to learn before we could give him any respect.
I was so tempted to pull Kae out of the film at many points of the shoot (tell u guys more next time) but i let him stay on for the sake of Charmaine, Sabrina, Gayle and Felicia who worked so hard for the shoot. Kae is easy to direct and with no contingency, another 4 year old kid might throw their shoot into disarray. Plus, Kae really really loved acting and enjoyed the experience of being on a shoot so much. It also gave him an idea what his Mummy and Papa Bear does for a living.
copyright of geraldinetanxy (2006)
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